esserbus FSA transponder for fire doors

808619.10 | esserbus FSA transponder for fire doors

The transponder is suitable for usage for various applications: in stand-alone operation or on the esserbus. In esserbus operation, the Series 9200 automatic fire detectors and those of the IQ8Quad family (see features for types) can be used as detectors in door arrester systems (FSA - Fire, Failure and Shut-Off). In FSA transponder loop operation, the door arrester system status is indicated on the fire alarm control panel.For stand-alone operation, detectors of the IQ8Quad family are supported without loop isolator (see features for types).For operation, the transponder requires an external supply voltage. It is possible to monitor this voltage.



  • Only one loop address is needed per transponder
  • Usage of Series 9200 intelligent detectors (such as OT, OTI, O²T detectors) as FSA detectors is possible
  • Connection of IQ8Quad O detectors (Part No. 802371), TD Detectors (Part No. 802271), OT detectors (Part No. 802373) and O²T detectors (Part No. 802374) (DIBt-approved) as FSA detectors is possible
  • FSA detectors programmable as devices in the loop
  • Status indicator of door arrester system to the FACP
  • Actuation of the locking device also via the automatic fire detectors in non-FSA operation
  • Stand-alone operation of the FSA transponders is possible
  • Usage of IQ8Quad O detectors (Part No. 803371), TD detectors (Part No. 803271) and O²T detectors (Part No. 803374) in stand-alone operation of the FSA transponders to the standard detector group is possible
  • Max. 100 transponders per FACP
  • Max. 32 transponders per analog loop
  • Max. 127 detector zones per analog loop
  • Detector numbers per zone input of the transponder:
  • Max. 30 conventional detectors (without SOC)
  • Max. 10 conventional detectors (with SOC)
  • Max. 10 Manual call points
  • Max. 10 Technical Alarm Modules (TAM/TAL)

Technical Data

Rated voltage 
Rated voltage 
Operating voltage 
10 ... 28 V DC
External power supply 
Rated frequency 
Rated current 
Quiescent current 
Quiescent current @ 12 V DC 
approx. 6 mA (from UB ext)
Quiescent current @ 19 V DC 
Alarm current @ 12 V DC 
Alarm current 
Current consumption 
max. 28 mA (from UB ext)
Current consumption 
Current consumption @ 12 V DC 
Current consumption @ 24 V DC 
Contact load relay 
max. 30 V DC/1 A or 48 V DC/0,5 A
No. of detector/zone 
Operation indicator 
Alarm display 
Connection terminal 
Application temperature 
Ambient temperature 
-5 °C ... 50 °C
Storage temperature 
-25 °C ... 75 °C
Air humidity 
< 95 %
Air humidity 
Type of protection 
IP 40 (with housing)
approx. 70 g
W: 72 mm H: 65 mm D: 20 mm (PC Board)
Declaration of Performance 


788612 Loop isolator PCB

788603.10 Module housing for C-mounting bar or top hat rail mounting

788600 Housing surface mount, gray

788650.10 Housing surface mount, white

788601 Housing flush mount, gray

788651.10 Housing flush mount, white

Additional information

Corresponding connection examples for FSA transponder operation in stand-alone operation or as a device in the fire detection System 8000 can be found in the chapter containing automatic door release systems.

Product Data Sheet

Version: 2025-03

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