Applications | ESSER by Honeywell


Find the best solution for any specific application worldwide

An essential requirement for the protection of larger buildings is to consider specific use of the building and specific targets to be protected. An office block with several thousand people passing in and out the doors during the day generally requires a different protection than an industrial plant. In order to provide the ideal solution for all object classes, we build on our longtime experience and our extensive know-how. We develop individual systems and integrated solutions for specific applications. Our international background and our global focus enable us to offer the best available solution for various countries.

Submit your Case Study

Did you finish an outstanding and demanding project recently? We have created an “ESSER worldwide reference list” and are constantly updating it with current projects. Our MarCom editors are excited to learn more about your latest installations. We would publish your case study as Best Practice, if you sent us the attached questionnaire, completed as PDF document and if possible, with pictures or illustrations to support your story (300 dpi, jpeg format, saved separately). Please email the informaton to Silke.Michel(at)
Of course, we will make sure that our customer's name is always mentioned and it is part of Honeywell's marketing policy to aquire approval for all press releases prior to publication. Looking forward to your active participation.

Questionnaire for Case Studies / References

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